Curvaton Potential Terms, Scale-Dependent Perturbation Spectra and Chaotic Initial Conditions
Curvaton reheating allows TeV Hubble scale in NO inflation
Curvaton Reheating in Non-oscillatory Inflationary Models
Curvaton Scenario in the Presence of Two Dilatons Coupled to the Scalar Curvature
Curvaton Scenario with Affleck-Dine Baryogenesis
Curvatons and inhomogeneous scenarios with deviation from slow-roll
Curvatons in Supersymmetric Models
Curvatons in the minimally supersymmetric standard model
Curvature and topological effects on dynamical symmetry breaking in a four- and eight-fermion interaction model
Curvature energy effects on strange quark matter nucleation at finite density
Curvature of the QCD phase transition line in a finite volume
Curvature perturbation at the local extremum of the inflaton's potential
Curvature Perturbation from Supersymmetric Flat Directions
Curvature Radiation by Ultrarelativistic Protons
Curved QCD string dynamics
Cusp Annihilation on Ordinary Cosmic Strings
Cusp effects in meson decays
Cusps in K --> 3 pi decays
Cusps in K --> 3pi decays: a theoretical framework
Cusps in K_L --> 3 pi decays