When QCD strings can break
Where do perturbative and non-perturbative QCD meet?
Where is the chiral critical point in 3-flavor QCD?
Where is the confining string in random percolation
Where is the string limit in QCD?
Where the electroweak phase transition ends
Which Chiral Symmetry is Restored in High Temperature QCD?
Which Higgs-Yukawa systems can possess non-trivial fixed points
Why (staggered fermions)^{1/4} fail at finite density
Why a Particle Physicist is Interested in DNA Branch Migration
Why rooting fails
Why the overlap formula does not lead to chiral fermions
Width difference in the Bs system from lattice HQET
Width of Long Colour Flux Tubes in Lattice Gauge Systems
Width of the Confining String
Wigner Functions on a Lattice
Wilson Fermion Determinant in Lattice QCD
Wilson fermions at fine lattice spacings: scale setting, pion form factors and (g-2)_mu
Wilson Fermions at finite temperature
Wilson fermions in the epsilon regime