Universal critical behavior and the transition temperature in (2+1)-flavor QCD
Universal fluctuations in spectra of the lattice Dirac operator
Universal O(N) scaling and the chiral critical line in (2+1)-flavor QCD with small chemical potentials
Universal properties of 3d O(4) symmetric models: The scaling function of the free energy density and its derivatives
Universal Properties of Chiral Simmetry Breaking
Universal properties of large N phase transitions in Wilson loops
Universal properties of the confining string in the random percolation model
Universal properties of Wilson loop operators in large N QCD
Universal Scaling of the Chiral Condensate in Finite-Volume Gauge Theories
Universal signatures of the effective string in finite temperature lattice gauge theories
Universality and Chaos in Quantum Field Theories
Universality and massive excitations in 3d 3-state Potts model
Universality and Quark Masses of the Staggered Fermion Action
Universality and RG-improved gauge actions
Universality and Scaling at the chiral transition in two-flavor QCD at finite temperature
Universality and scaling behavior of RG gauge actions
Universality and the approach to the continuum limit in lattice gauge theory
Universality and the Deconfinement Phase Transition in SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory
Universality check of Abelian Monopoles
Universality check of the overlap fermions in the Schroedinger functional