Random matrix model of QCD at finite density and the nature of the quenched limit
Random Matrix Models for Dirac Operators at finite Lattice Spacing
Random Matrix Theory and Chiral Logarithms
Random Matrix Theory and Dirac Spectrum at Nonzero Temperature and Density
Random Matrix Theory and the Spectra of Overlap Fermions
Random matrix theory of unquenched two-colour QCD with nonzero chemical potential
Random Matrix Theory, Chiral Perturbation Theory, and Lattice Data
Random matrix triality at nonzero chemical potential
Random membrane model for lattice gluodynamics
Random paths with curvature
Random Surfaces in Three-Dimensional Simplicial Gravity
Random Walk Model on a Hyper-Spherical Lattice
Random Walk Representation of the Lattice Fermionic Propagators and the Quark Model
Random Walks and the Correlation Length Critical Exponent in Scalar Quantum Field Theory
Random Walks in Noninteger Dimension
Random Walks with Long-Range Self-Repulsion on Proper Time
Random-matrix universality in the small-eigenvalue spectrum of the lattice Dirac operator
Randomness on the Lattice
Rare B decays with moving NRQCD and improved staggered quarks
Rare Kaon Decays on the Lattice