Perturbative renormalization in parton distribution functions using improved actions
Perturbative renormalization in parton distribution functions using Overlap fermions and Symanzik improved gluons
Perturbative renormalization of bilinear quark and gluon operators
Perturbative renormalization of GPDs to O(a^2), for various fermion/gluon actions
Perturbative Renormalization of Improved Lattice Operators
Perturbative Renormalization of Lattice Bilinear Quark Operators
Perturbative renormalization of moments of quark momentum, helicity and transversity distributions with overlap and Wilson fermions
Perturbative renormalization of the $ΔB=2$ four-quark operators in lattice NRQCD
Perturbative renormalization of the first moment of structure functions for domain-wall QCD
Perturbative renormalization of the first two moments of non-singlet quark distributions with overlap fermions
Perturbative Renormalization of Weak-Hamiltonian Four-Fermion Operators with Overlap Fermions
Perturbative renormalization parameters for heavy quarks
Perturbative spectrum of a Yukawa-Higgs model with Ginsparg-Wilson fermions
Perturbative study for domain-wall fermions in 4+1 dimensions
Perturbative Study of the Supersymmetric Lattice Model from Matrix Model
Perturbative Study of the Supersymmetric Lattice Theory from Matrix Model
Perturbative Subtraction Methods
Perturbative Thermodynamics of Lattice QCD with Chiral-Invariant Four-Fermion Interactions
Perturbative two- and three-loop coefficients from large beta Monte Carlo
Perturbative Wilson loops from unquenched Monte Carlo simulations at weak couplings