Properties of the SU(Nc) Gluon Plasma
Properties of Thermal Glueballs
Properties of U(1) lattice gauge theory with monopole term
Proposal for the numerical solution of planar QCD
Proposal for Topologically Unquenched QCD
Prospects for perfect actions
Prospects of Solving Grand Challenge Problems
Prospects of `Topologically Unquenched QCD' from a study of the analogous importance sampling method in the massive Schwinger model
Proton decay matrix elements with domain-wall fermions
Proton lifetime bounds from chirally symmetric lattice QCD
Proton Spin Content From Lattice QCD
Proton Spin Structure from Lattice QCD
Pseudo scalar meson masses in Wilson Chiral Perturbation Theory for 2+1 flavors
Pseudo-Character Expansions for U(N)-Invariant Spin Models on CP^{N-1}
Pseudo-random number generators for Monte Carlo simulations on Graphics Processing Units
Pseudofermion observables for static heavy meson decay constants on the lattice
Pseudoscalar and vector meson form factors from lattice QCD
Pseudoscalar decay constant in the heavy light systems
Pseudoscalar Decay Constants in Staggered Chiral Perturbation Theory
Pseudoscalar decay constants of kaon and D-mesons from Nf=2 twisted mass Lattice QCD