Properties of canonical fermion determinants with a fixed quark number
Properties of charmonium in lattice QCD with 2+1 flavors of improved staggered sea quarks
Properties of Color-Coulomb String Tension
Properties of hadron screening masses at small baryonic density
Properties of Interfaces in the two and three dimensional Ising Model
Properties of light pseudoscalars from lattice QCD with HISQ ensembles
Properties of light scalar mesons from lattice QCD
Properties of near-zero modes and chiral symmetry breaking
Properties of P-vortex and monopole clusters in lattice SU(2) gauge theory
Properties of phase transitions of higher order
Properties of QCD vacuum from lattice
Properties of quark gluon plasma from lattice calculations
Properties of Renormalization Group Transformations
Properties of Scalar-Quark Systems in SU(3)c Lattice QCD
Properties of the Abelian Projection Fields in $SU(N)$ Lattice Gluodynamics
Properties of the approximate Yang-Mills ground-state wave functional in 2+1 dimensions
Properties of the deconfining phase transition in SU(N) gauge theories
Properties of the Fixed Point Lattice Dirac Operator in the Schwinger Model
Properties of the non-Gaussian fixed point in 4D compact U(1) lattice gauge theory
Properties of the renormalized quark mass in the Schrodinger functional with a non-vanishing background field