Probing the chiral phase transition of N_f=2 clover fermions with valence overlap fermions
Probing the chiral regime of Nf=2 QCD with mixed actions
Probing the chiral weak Hamiltonian at finite volumes
Probing the Continuum Limit in Non-Compact QED: New Results on Large Lattices
Probing the CORE of the Haldane Conjecture
Probing the finite temperature phase transition with Nf=2 nonperturbatively improved Wilson fermions
Probing the ground state in gauge theories
Probing the interior of the Colour Flux Tube
Probing the non-perturbative dynamics of SU(2) vacuum
Probing the QCD Vacuum Using External Fields
Probing the QCD vacuum with flavour singlet objects: $η'$ on the lattice
Probing the QCD vacuum with overlap fermions
Probing the QCD Vacuum with Static Sources in Maximal Abelian Projection
Probing the quark-gluon plasma with a new Fermionic correlator
Probing the Region of Massless Quarks in Quenched Lattice QCD using Wilson Fermions
Probing the topological structure of the QCD vacuum with overlap fermions
Probing the Yang-Mills vacuum with adjoint zero-modes
Probing with Penguins: A lattice calculation of the branching ratio for some of the exclusive modes of $b \to s γ$
Problems in Lattice Gauge Fixing
Problems with the Quenched Approximation in the Chiral Limit