Preliminary study of two-dimensional SU(N) Yang-Mills theory with adjoint matter by Hybrid Monte Carlo approach
Preparing for N_f=2 simulations at small lattice spacings
Prepotential formulation of SU(3) lattice gauge theory
Present Constraints on the H-dibaryon at the Physical Point from Lattice QCD
Pressure and non-linear quark number susceptibilities in QCD
Pressure and non-linear susceptibilities in QCD at finite chemical potentials
Primordial function and ambiguity in its determination
Primordial magnetic fields at preheating
Probability Distribution Function of the Diquark Condensate in Two Colours QCD
Probes of nearly conformal behavior in lattice simulations of minimal walking technicolor
Probing boundary-corrections to Nambu-Goto open string energy levels in 3d SU(2) gauge theory
Probing Confinement with Chromomagnetic Fields
Probing finite size effects in $(λΦ^4)_4$ MonteCarlo calculations
Probing for Instanton Quarks with epsilon-Cooling
Probing hadron wave functions in Lattice QCD
Probing technicolor theories with staggered fermions
Probing TeV scale physics via ultra cold neutron decays and calculating non-standard baryon matrix elements
Probing the Aoki phase with N_f=2 Wilson fermions at finite temperature
Probing the chiral limit of M_pi and f_pi in 2+1 flavor QCD with domain wall fermions from QCDOC
Probing the chiral limit with clover fermions II: The baryon sector