Potential between external monopole and antimonopole in SU(2) lattice glu odynamics
Potentials between heavy-light mesons from lattice and inverse scattering theory
Potentials between pairs of static-light mesons
Potts Flux Tube Model at Nonzero Chemical Potential
Potts Models on Feynman Diagrams
Power corrections and perturbative coupling from lattice gauge thoeries
Power Counting Regime of Chiral Effective Field Theory and Beyond
Power Counting Regime of Chiral Extrapolation and Beyond
PQChPT with Staggered Sea and Valence Ginsparg-Wilson Quarks: Vector Meson Masses
Practical all-to-all propagators for lattice QCD
Practical methods for a direct calculation of $ΔI=1/2$ $K$ to $ππ$ Decay
Precise B, B_s and B_c meson spectroscopy from full lattice QCD
Precise determination of $B_K$ and light quark masses in quenched domain-wall QCD
Precise Determination of the I=2 pipi Scattering Length from Mixed-Action Lattice QCD
Precise determination of the lattice spacing in full lattice QCD
Precise determination of the strong coupling constant in Nf=2+1 lattice QCD with the Schrödinger functional scheme
Precise Neutron Electric Form Factor from Lattice QCD
Precision $B_c$ and $B_s$ mass calculations
Precision $Υ$ and $J/Ψ$ spectroscopy with lattice NRQCD
Precision $Υ$ Spectroscopy and Fundamental Parameters From NRQCD