Perturbative Wilson loops with massive sea quarks on the lattice
Perturbing QCD with external fields
Ph.D. Thesis: Chiral Effective Field Theory Beyond the Power-Counting Regime
Phase diagram and critical point evolution in NLO and NNLO strong coupling lattice QCD
Phase diagram and Debye mass in thermally reduced QCD
Phase diagram at finite temperature and quark density in the strong coupling limit of lattice QCD for color SU(3)
Phase diagram at finite temperature and quark density in the strong coupling region of lattice QCD for color SU(3)
Phase diagram evolution at finite coupling in strong coupling lattice QCD
Phase Diagram of 3d U(1)+Higgs Theory
Phase Diagram of a Lattice $SU(2) \times SU(2)$ Scalar-Fermion Model Using the Zaragoza Fermions
Phase diagram of adjoint QCD at weak coupling and finite volume
Phase Diagram of An SU(2)xSU(2) Scalar-Fermion Model with Massless Decoupled Doublers
Phase diagram of d=4 Ising Model with two couplings
Phase diagram of four-dimensional dynamical triangulations with a boundary
Phase diagram of QCD at finite temperature and chemical potential from lattice simulations with dynamical Wilson quarks
Phase Diagram of QCD at Finite Temperatures with Wilson Fermions
Phase diagram of QCD with 2+1 flavors of Wilson quarks at finite temperature and chemical potential
Phase diagram of QCD with four quark flavors at finite temperature and baryon density
Phase diagram of QCD with two degenerate staggered quarks
Phase diagram of Regge quantum gravity coupled to SU(2) gauge theory