Mean-link tadpole improvement of SW and D234 actions
Measure dependence of 2D simplicial quantum gravity
Measure in the 2D Regge quantum gravity
Measure of Autocorrelation Times of Local Hybrid Monte Carlo Algorithm for Lattice QCD
Measure of the path integral in lattice gauge theory
Measurement of hybrid content of heavy quarkonia using lattice NRQCD
Measurement of the penetration depth and coherence length in U(1) and SU(2) dual Abrikosov vortices
Measurements of the Yang-Mills vacuum wavefunctional, and related studies
Measures of critical exponents in the four dimensional site percolation
Measuring an entropy in heavy ion collisions
Measuring Diquark Condensation in Lattice Simulations of Dense Matter
Measuring infrared contributions to the QCD pressure
Measuring interface tensions in 4d SU(N) lattice gauge theories
Measuring the aspect ratio renormalization of anisotropic-lattice gluons
Measuring the Decorrelation Times of Fourier Modes in Simulations
Measuring the Hausdorff Dimension of Quantum Mechanical Paths
Measuring the interface tension when the electroweak phase transition becomes weak
Measuring the string susceptibility in 2D simplicial quantum gravity using the Regge approach
Medium Effects in Parton Distributions
Melting Instantons, Domain Walls, and Large N