Matrix model formulation of four dimensional gravity
Matrix product representation of gauge invariant states in a Z_2 lattice gauge theory
Matrix product variational formulation for lattice gauge theory
Matter degrees of freedom and string breaking in Abelian projected quenched SU(2) QCD
Matter near to the Endpoint of the Electroweak Phase Transition
Matter on granular space-time
Maximal twist and the spectrum of quenched twisted mass lattice QCD
Maximal variance reduction for stochastic propagators with applications to the static quark spectrum
Maximum entropy analysis of hadron spectral functions and excited states in quenched lattice QCD
Maximum Entropy Analysis of the Spectral Functions in Lattice QCD
Maximum Entropy Method Approach to $θ$ Term
Maxwell Theory from Matrix Model
May vortices produce a mass gap in 2D spin models at weak coupling
mc4qcd: Online Analysis Tool for Lattice QCD
MCRG study of 12 fundamental flavors with mixed fundamental-adjoint gauge action
MDP_QCD: Object Oriented Programming for Lattice Gauge Theory
Mean field analysis of the SO(3) lattice gauge theory at finite temperature
Mean Field Phase Diagram of SU(2)xSU(2) Lattice Higgs-Yukawa Model at Finite Lambda
Mean link versus average plaquette tadpoles in lattice NRQCD
Mean-Field Gauge Interactions in Five Dimensions I. The Torus