Masses and decay constants of the B-system in Lattice QCD
Masses and decay constants of the light mesons in the quenched approximation using the tadpole--improved SW-clover action
Masses of singlet and non-singlet 0++ particles
Massive Domain Wall Fermions on Four-dimensional Anisotropic Lattices
Massive Fermions in Lattice Gauge Theory
Massive gluon propagator at zero and finite temperature
Massive Overlap Fermions on Anisotropic Lattices
Massless Composite Fermions in Two Dimensions and the Overlap
Massless Decoupled Doublers: Chiral Yukawa Models and Chiral Gauge Theories
Massless Fermions on the Lattice
Massless Majorana fermion on the domain wall
Massless QED_3 with explicit fermions
Masslessness of ghosts in equivariantly gauge-fixed Yang--Mills theories
Master Wilson loop operators in large-N lattice QCD$_2$
Matching coefficients for improved staggered bilinears
Matching Current Correlators in Lattice QCD to Chiral Perturbation Theory
Matching numerical simulations to continuum field theories: A lattice renormalization study
Matching of the Heavy-Light Currents with NRQCD Heavy and Improved Naive Light Quarks
Matching the Bare and MSbar Charm Quark Masses Using Weak Coupling Simulations
Matching the High Momentum Modes in a Truncated Determinant Algorithm