Improved Landau gauge fixing and the suppression of finite-volume effects of the lattice gluon propagator
Improved Langevin Methods for Spin Systems
Improved lattice actions
Improved Lattice Actions with Chemical Potential
Improved Lattice Gauge Field Hamiltonian
Improved lattice operators: the case of the topological charge density
Improved Lattice QCD Actions for Hadron Phenomenology
Improved lattice QCD with quarks: the 2 dimensional case
Improved Lattice Spectroscopy of Minimal Walking Technicolor
Improved Measure of Local Chirality
Improved method for calculating nucleon strangeness
Improved non-perturbative renormalization without $c_{NGI}$
Improved Nonrelativistic QCD for Heavy Quark Physics
Improved Overlap Fermions
Improved performance of QCD code on ALiCE
Improved Perturbation Theory for Improved Lattice Actions
Improved Pseudofermion Approach for All-Point Propagators
Improved Quark Actions for Lattice QCD
Improved Quenched QCD on Large Lattices - First Results
Improved Renormalization of Lattice Operators: A Critical Reappraisal