Investigating the critical properties of beyond-QCD theories using Monte Carlo Renormalization Group matching
Investigating the critical slowing down of QCD simulations
Investigating the sign problem for two-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=(2,2)$ and $\mathcal{N}=(8,8)$ lattice super Yang--Mills theories
Investigating Yang-Mills theory and Confinement as a function of the spatial volume
Investigation of a Toy Model for Frustration in Abelian Lattice Gauge Theory
Investigation of gauge-fixed pure U(1) theory at strong coupling
Investigation of Laplacian Gauge Fixing for U(1) and SU(2) Gauge Fields
Investigation of Lattice QCD with Wilson fermions with Gaussian Smearing
Investigation of spontaneous symmetry breaking from a non standard approach
INvestigation Of The Biconjugate Gradient Algorithm For The Inversion Of Fermion Matrices
Investigation of the Critical Behavior of the Critical Point of the Z2 Gauge Lattice
Investigation of the Domain Wall Fermion Approach to Chiral Gauge Theories on the Lattice
Investigation of the overlap of excited bottomonium states with hybrid operators
Investigation of the Second Moment of the Nucleon's g1 and g2 Structure Functions in Two-Flavor Lattice QCD
Investigations in 1+1 dimensional lattice $φ^4$ theory
Investigations of hadron structure on the lattice
Investigations of QCD at non-zero isospin density
Investigations on the deconfining phase transition in QCD
IR suppression of the Coulomb gauge gluon propagator in SU(3) Yang-Mills theory
IR-Divergence and Anomalous Temperature Dependence of the Condensate in the Quenched Schwinger Model