Interquark potential, susceptibilities and particle density of two color QCD at finite chemical potential and temperature
Interrelation of a Z(3) Gauge Theory on the Flat Lattices and a Spin-1 BEG Model
Intersection between Microscopic and Macroscopic Abelian Dominance in the Confinement Physics of QCD
Intersections of thick Center Vortices, Dirac Eigenmodes and Fractional Topological Charge in SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory
Intrinsic Geometric Structure of c=-2 Quantum Gravity
Intrinsic quark transverse momentum in the nucleon from lattice QCD
Introducing Dynamical Triangulations to the Type IIB Superstrings
Introduction of the chemical potential in the overlap formalism
Introduction to Lattice Gaugefixing and Effective Quark and Gluon Masses
Introduction to Lattice QCD
Introduction to Non-perturbative Heavy Quark Effective Theory
Introduction to stochastic error correction methods
Introduction to transverse lattice gauge theory
Inverse Monte-Carlo and Demon Methods for Effective Polyakov Loop Models of SU(N)-YM
Inverse Monte-Carlo determination of effective lattice models for SU(3) Yang-Mills theory at finite temperature
Inverse Symmetry Breaking on the lattice: an accurate MC study
Inverse Symmetry Breaking with 4d Lattice Simulations
Investigating and Optimizing the Chiral Properties of Lattice Fermion Actions
Investigating Confinement in Dually Transformed U(1) Lattice Gauge Theory
Investigating QCD Vacuum on the lattice