Interactions of confining strings in SU(3) gluodynamics
Interactions of heavy-light mesons
Interactive Visualization Package for 4D Lattice Field Theories
Interface Tension in Quenched QCD
Interface tension in SU(3) lattice gauge theory at finite temperatures on an $N_t=2$ lattice
Interface tension of the 3d 4-state Potts model using the Wang-Landau algorithm
Interface Tension of the Electroweak Phase Transition
Interface Tensions and Perfect Wetting in the Two-Dimensional Seven-State Potts Model
Interfaces in hot gauge theory
Intermittency Studies in Directed Bond Percolation
International Lattice Data Grid
International Lattice Data Grid: Turn on, plug in,and download
Interplay of Monopoles and P-Vortices
Interplay of universality classes in a three-dimensional Yukawa model
Interpolated Lattice Gauge Fields and Chiral Fermions in the Schwinger Model
Interpolating the Free Energy Density Differences of Reweighting Methods
Interpolation between the epsilon and p regimes
Interpolation of Non-abelian Lattice Gauge Fields
Interpreting the lattice monopoles in the continuum terms
Interquark potential with finite quark mass from lattice QCD