Infrared Features of the Lattice Landau Gauge QCD
Infrared features of unquenched finite temperature lattice Landau gauge QCD
Infrared fixed point in SU(2) gauge theory with adjoint fermions
Infrared fixed point of QCD, critical flavor number and triality automorphism of octonions
Infrared fixed point of the 12-fermion SU(3) gauge model based on 2-lattice MCRG matching
Infrared Gluon and Ghost Propagator Exponents From Lattice QCD
Infrared Gluon and Ghost Propagators from Lattice QCD. Results from large asymmetric lattices
Infrared Gluon Propagator from lattice QCD: results from large asymmetric lattices
Infrared Propagators in MAG and Feynman gauge on the lattice
Infrared properties of propagators in Landau-gauge pure Yang-Mills theory at finite temperature
Infrared Renormalons and Finite Volume
Infrared Yang-Mills theory as a spin system. A lattice approach
Infrared-suppressed gluon propagator in 4d Yang-Mills theory in a Landau-like gauge
Inherently Global Nature of Topological Charge Fluctuations in QCD
Initial guesses for multi-shift solvers
Insight into Hadron Structure from Lattice QCD
Insight into nucleon structure from generalized parton distributions
Insight into nucleon structure from lattice calculations of moments of parton and generalized parton distributions
Insight into the Role of Instantons and their Zero Modes from Lattice QCD
Insight into the Scalar Mesons from a Lattice Calculation