Determining QCD Low-Energy Couplings from lattice simulations
Determining the conformal window: SU(2) gauge theory with N_f = 4, 6 and 10 fermion flavours
Determining the order of SU(3) deconfining phase transition
Determining the strange quark mass for 2-flavour QCD
Development in Lattice QCD
Development of Lattice QCD Tool Kit on Cell Broadband Engine Processor
Developments and new applications of numerical stochastic perturbation theory
Dgsos on DTRS
Di-Quarks and Tri-Quarks on the Lattice
Diagonal Crossed Products by Duals of Quasi-Quantum Groups
Different definitions of the chemical potential with identical partition function in QCD on a lattice
Differential decay rate of $B \to πl ν$ semileptonic decay with lattice NRQCD
Differential equation for spectral flows of hermitean Wilson-Dirac operator
Dilute Liquid of Instanton and Its Topological Charge Dominate the QCD Vacuum
Dimensional reduction and a Z(3) symmetric model
Dimensional Reduction and Hot QCD: Calculating the Debye Mass Non-Perturbatively
Dimensional Reduction and Non-perturbative generation of magnetic mass in non-abelian gauge theory at finite temperature
Dimensional Reduction and Screening Masses in Pure Gauge Theories at Finite Temperature
Dimensional reduction and the phase diagram of 5d Yang-Mills theory
Dimensional Reduction and the Yang-Mills Vacuum State in 2+1 Dimensions