Determination of Lambda in quenched and full QCD - an update
Determination of light quark masses from the electromagnetic splitting of pseudoscalar meson masses computed with two flavors of domain wall fermions
Determination of monopole condensate from monopole action in quenched SU(2) QCD
Determination of the $ΔS = 1$ weak Hamiltonian in the SU(4) chiral limit through topological zero-mode wave functions
Determination of the chiral condensate from 2+1-flavor lattice QCD
Determination of the chiral condensate from QCD Dirac spectrum on the lattice
Determination of the Crumpling Fractal Dimension Via k-Space MCRG
Determination of the Improvement Coefficient c_SW up to One-Loop Order with the Conventional Perturbation Theory
Determination of the renormalized heavy-quark mass in Lattice QCD
Determination of the running coupling constant $α_s$ for Nf=2+1 QCD with the Schroedinger functional scheme
Determination of the running coupling in pure SU(4) Yang-Mills theory
Determination of the spin-dependent potentials with the multi-level algorithm
Determination of the Static Potential with Dynamical Fermions
Determination of the Wilson ChPT low energy constant c_2
Determination of Vub from B->pi l nu on the lattice
Determining F_pi from spectral sum rules
Determining gA using non-perturbatively O(a) improved Wilson fermions
Determining hybrid content of heavy quarkonia using lattice nonrelativistic QCD
Determining Lines of Constant Physics in the Confinement Phase of the SU(2) Higgs Model
Determining low-energy constants in partially quenched Wilson chiral perturbation theory