Deformed matrix models, supersymmetric lattice twists and N=1/4 supersymmetry
Degenerate distributions in complex Langevin dynamics: one-dimensional QCD at finite chemical potential
Delta Baryon Magnetic Moments From Lattice QCD
Delta electromagnetic form factors and quark transverse charge densities from lattice QCD
Delta Expansion on the Lattice and Dilated Scaling Region
Delta I = 3/2, K to Pi Pi Decays with a Nearly Physical Pion Mass
Delta I=1/2 rule from staggered fermions
Delta I=3/2 K to pi-pi decays with nearly physical kinematics
Delta I=3/2, K to Pi Pi Decays with Light, Non-Zero Momentum Pions
Delta S=2 and Delta I=3/2 Matrix Elements in Quenched QCD
Delta-baryon electromagnetic form factors in lattice QCD
Delta-rho in an SU(2) X U(1) chiral Yukawa model
Demons and Abelian Projection QCD: Action and Crossover
Dense baryonic matter in strong coupling lattice gauge theory
Dense but confined matter as a new state in QCD
Density Matrix Renormalisation Group Approach to the Massive Schwinger Model
Density matrix renormalization group approach to a two-dimensional bosonic model
Density Matrix Renormalization Group Approach to the Massive Schwinger Model
Density matrix renormalization group in a two-dimensional $λφ^4$ Hamiltonian lattice model
Density of states and Fisher's zeros in compact U(1) pure gauge theory