Domain wall fermions in vector theories
Domain Wall Fermions with Exact Chiral Symmetry
Domain wall fermions with improved gauge actions
Domain wall filters
Domain wall quarks and kaon weak matrix elements
Domain walls and perturbation theory in high temperature gauge theory: SU(2) in 2+1 dimensions
Domain walls, $Z(N)$ charge and $A_0$ condensate: a canonical ensemble study
Domain-wall and overlap fermions at nonzero quark chemical potential
Domain-wall fermions and chiral symmetries
Domain-Wall Fermions at Strong Coupling
Domain-wall fermions with $U(1)$ dynamical gauge fields
Domain-wall fermions with U(1) dynamical gauge fields in (4+1)-dimensions
Domain-Wall Induced Quark Masses in Topologically-Nontrivial Background
Dominance of Sign Geometry and the Homogeneity of the Fundamental Topological Structure
Double Hairpin Diagrams and the Planar Equivalence of N=1 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory and One-Flavor QCD
Double poles in Lattice QCD with mixed actions
Double-pass variants for multi-shift BiCGstab(ell)
Doubly Heavy Baryons and Quark-Diquark Symmetry in Quenched and Partially Quenched Chiral Perturbation Theory
Dressed Polyakov loops and center symmetry from Dirac spectra
Dressed Wilson loops as dual condensates in response to magnetic and electric fields