Do we understand the unquenched value of fB?
Do Wilson Fermions Induce an Adjoint Gauge Coupling?
Does Conformal Quantum Field Theory Describe the Continuum Limits of 2D Spin Models with Continuous Symmetry?
Does the 2d Higgs-Yukawa Model Have a Symmetric Phase at Small Yukawa Coupling Region?
Does the crossover from perturbative to nonperturbative physics in QCD become a phase transition at infinite N ?
Does the XY Model have an integrable continuum limit?
Domain decomposition improvement of quark propagator estimation
Domain Decomposition method on GPU cluster
Domain wall fermion and chiral gauge theories on the lattice with exact gauge invariance
Domain wall fermion and CP symmetry breaking
Domain Wall Fermion Study of Scaling in Non-perturbative Renormalization of Quark Bilinears and $B_K$
Domain wall fermion zero modes on classical topological backgrounds
Domain wall fermions and applications
Domain Wall Fermions and Chiral Gauge Theories
Domain Wall Fermions and Chiral Symmetry Restoration Rate
Domain Wall Fermions and MC Simulations of Vector Theories
Domain wall fermions at finite temperature
Domain wall fermions in a waveguide: the phase diagram at large Yukawa coupling
Domain Wall Fermions in Quenched Lattice QCD
Domain wall fermions in vector gauge theories