Diseases with rooted staggered quarks
Disorder parameter and canonical quantization approach in lattice gauge theory
Disorder parameter for confinement and vacuum field strength correlators
Display of probability densities for data from a continuous distribution
Distance preconditioning for lattice Dirac operators
Distances on a Lattice from Non-commutative Geometry
Distinguishing J=4 from J=0 on a cubic lattice
Distributing the chiral and flavour components of Dirac-Kahler fermions across multiple lattices
Distribution Amplitudes of Pseudoscalar Mesons
Distribution Amplitudes of Vector Mesons
Distribution Functions From Breit-Frame Regularisation
Distribution of fermionic and topological observables on the lattice
Distribution of Instanton and Monopole Clustering
Distribution of Magnetic Monopoles within cubes in Compact QED
Distribution of the color fields around static quarks: Flux tube profiles
Distributions of individual Dirac eigenvalues for QCD at non-zero chemical potential: RMT predictions and lattice results
Distributions of the Phase Angle of the Fermion Determinant in QCD
Divergent chiral condensate in the quenched Schwinger model
Do Instantons of the CP(N-1) Model Melt?
Do Large Abelian Monopole Loops Survive the Continuum Limit?