DIS Structure Functions in Lattice QCD
Disappearance of the Abrikosov vortex above the deconfining phase transition in SU(2) lattice gauge theory
Disconnected contributions to D-meson semi-leptonic decay form factors
Disconnected contributions to hadronic structure
Disconnected contributions to hadronic structure: a new method for stochastic noise reduction
Disconnected Electromagnetic Form Factors
Disconnected Loop Noise Methods in Lattice QCD
Disconnected Loops with Twisted Mass Lattice QCD
Discrete Differential Geometry and Lattice Field Theory
Discrete non-Abelian groups and asymptotically free models
Discrete reflection groups and induced representations of Poincare group on the lattice
Discrete Symmetry Enhancement in Nonabelian Models and the Existence of Asymptotic Freedom
Discretisation effects in the topological susceptibility in lattice QCD
Discretisation Errors in Landau Gauge on the Lattice
Discretization and Continuum Limit of Quantum Gravity on a Four-Dimensional Space-Time Lattice
Discretization effects and gauge independence for the electric and magnetic screening masses
Discretization effects and the scalar meson correlator in mixed-action lattice simulations
Discretization Errors and Rotational Symmetry: The Laplacian Operator on Non-Hypercubical Lattices
Discretized Laplacians on an Interval and their Renormalization Group
Discretizing parametrized systems: the magic of Ditt-invariance