Dimensional reduction from five-dimensional gauge theories
Dimensional reduction in QCD: Lessons from lower dimensions
Dimensional reduction of Lattice Gauge Theory in (2+1)D
Dimensional regularization of Schrodinger Functional correlation functions
Dimensionally reduced U(1)+Higgs theory in the broken phase
Diquark Condensation at Nonzero Chemical Potential and Temperature
Diquark condensation at strong coupling
Diquark condensation in dense adjoint matter
Diquark Condensation in Dense Matter - A Lattice Perspective
Diquark condensation in dense SU(2) matter
Diquark condensation in two colour QCD
Diquark correlations in baryons on the lattice with overlap quarks
Diquark Masses from Lattice QCD
Diquark properties from lattice QCD
Diquark Representations for Singly Heavy Baryons with Light Staggered Quarks
Dirac and Gor'kov spectra in two color QCD with chemical potential
Dirac and Pauli form factors from lattice QCD
Dirac b quark on the lattice
Dirac Eigenmodes in an Environment of Dynamical Fermions
Dirac eigenvalue correlations in quenched QCD at finite density