Using generalized cross-validation to select parameters in inversions for regional carbon fluxes
Using Ground Penetrating Radar to Image Terrestrial Analogs of Martian Aeolian Deposition: The Coral Pink Sand Dunes, Kanab, Utah
Using HELIO to address use cases involving multi-point observations from different parts of the Solar System.
Using magnetic fluids to simulate convection in a central force field in the laboratory
Using multiple observationally-based constraints to estimate climate sensitivity
Using neutrino diffraction to study the Earth's core
Using shear wave splitting measurements to investigate the upper mantle anisotropy beneath the North China Craton: Distinct variation from east to west
Using the F-test for eigenvalue decomposition problems to find the statistically 'optimal' solution
Using the Singular Spectrum Analysis for Investigation of Troposphere Parameters
Using the sunspot cycle to date ice cores
Using uplifted Holocene beach berms for paleoseismic analysis on the Santa María Island, south-central Chile
Using X-ray micro-tomography and pore-scale modeling to quantify sediment mixing and fluid flow in a developing streambed
UT1 prediction based on long-time series analysis
UV astronomy: Does ultraviolet astronomy have a future?