Surface waves on the tailward flanks of the Earth's magnetopause
Surface-layer temperature distribution in a hydrodynamic model of earth evolution
Surface-material maps of Viking landing sites on Mars
Symbolic landforms created by ancient earthworks near Lake Titicaca
Symplectic integration: A new approach to tracing charged particle motion in the geomagnetic field
Synopsis of the historical development of Schumann resonances
Synoptic data for solar-terrestrial physics: The U.K. contribution to long-term monitoring
Synoptic scale atmospheric wave break down at 500 hPa over Europe during cold seasons. Abrupte Veränderungen der atmosphärischen Zirkulation im synoptischen Scalebereich über Europa während der kalten Jahreszeiten
Synthesis of Molecules by Cosmic Ion Bombardment
Synthesis of Rayleigh-wave envelope on the spherical Earth: Analytic solution of the single isotropic-scattering model for a circular source radiation
Synthetic aperture controlled source electromagnetics
Synthetic Seismograms with High-Frequency Scattering for the Moon
System of gigantic valleys northwest of Tharsis, Mars: Latent catastrophic flooding, northwest watershed, and implications for northern plains ocean
System-level musings about system-level science (Invited)
Systematic along-axis tidal triggering of microearthquakes observed at 9°50′N East Pacific Rise
Systematic pressure enhancement of titanomagnetite magnetization
Systematic procedural and sensitivity analysis of the pattern informatics method for forecasting large (M > 5) earthquake events in southern California