Relationship of atmospheric ozone profiles to solar magnetic activity
Relationships between induced polarization relaxation time and hydraulic properties of sandstone
Relationships between topographic roughness and aeolian processes
Relative ages of lava flows at Alba Patera, Mars
Relative importance of fluvial input and wave energy in controlling the timescale for distributary-channel avulsion
Relative influence upon microwave emissivity of fine-scale stratigraphy, internal scattering, and dielectric properties
Relative location of excavation induced microseismicity at the Underground Research Laboratory (AECL, Canada) using surveyed reference events
Relative role of dynamic and thermodynamic processes in the development of the Indian Ocean dipole: An OGCM diagnosis
Relativistic Solar Particle Events During STIP Intervals II and IV
Relaxation time distribution from time domain induced polarization measurements
Reliability of resistivity quantification for shallow subsurface water processes
Reliability of the CMIP3 ensemble
Remembering Roger Tayler, Participants at a discussion meeting recount the former RAS President's scientific influence
Remnant of the ancient Farallon Plate breakup: A low-velocity body in the lower oceanic crust off Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica - evidence from wide-angle seismics
Remote laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for lunar exploration
Remote sensing and geologic studies of the orientale basin region
Remote sensing evidence for baroclinic tide origin of internal solitary waves in the northeastern South China Sea
Remote sensing of comets and asteroids
Remote sensing of ionospheric disturbances associated with energetic particle precipitation using the South Pole VLF beacon
Remote sensing of surface pressure on Mars with the Mars Express/OMEGA spectrometer: 1. Retrieval method