Reflectance spectra of some fractions of Migei and Murchison SM chondrites in the range of 0.3-2.6 microns
Reflection and emission properties on Venus - Alpha Regio
Reflection imaging of deep structure beneath Montserrat using microearthquake sources
Reflections and reflections
Regional changes in precipitation in Europe under an increased greenhouse emissions scenario
Regional conductivity structure of Cascadia: Preliminary results from 3D inversion of USArray transportable array magnetotelluric data
Regional distribution of absorbing efficiency of dust aerosols over India and adjacent continents inferred using satellite remote sensing
Regional Modelling of the Southern African Geomagnetic Field using Harmonic Splines
Regional patterns of earthquake-triggered landslides and their relation to ground motion
Regional sources and sinks of dust on Mars: Viking observations of Cerberus, SOLIS Planum and Syrtis Major
Regionalization of global electromagnetic induction data - A theoretical model
Regionalization of the arctic region, Siberia, and Eurasian continental area
Regression of the Mountains of Mitchel polar ice after the onset of a global dust storm on Mars
Regularization strategy for the layered inversion of airborne TEM data: application to VTEM data acquired over the basin of Franceville (Gabon)
Regularized extremal bounds analysis (REBA): An approach to quantifying uncertainty in nonlinear geophysical inverse problems
Relation between geomagnetic activity and the sector structure of the interplanetary magnetic field
Relation between seismicity and pre-earthquake electromagnetic emissions in terms of energy, information and entropy content
Relation between single very-long-period pulses and volcanic gas emissions at Mt. Asama, Japan
Relation between stress heterogeneity and aftershock rate in the rate-and-state model
Relationship between acoustic body waves and in situ stresses around a borehole