Period, phase and resonant structure of a pulsation event seen by the ISEE 1 and 2 spacecraft on 2-3 April 1978
Periodic pumping tests
Permeability correction factor for fractures with permeable walls
Permeability of underthrust sediments at the Costa Rican subduction zone: Scale dependence and implications for dewatering
Permeability prediction from thin sections: 3D reconstruction and Lattice-Boltzmann flow simulation
Permeability structure around an ancient exhumed subduction-zone fault
Permeability structure of young ocean crust from poroelastically triggered earthquakes
Permeability, compressibility, and friction coefficient measurements under confining pressure and strain, Leg 190, Nankai Trough
Permeability-porosity relationship: A reexamination of the Kozeny-Carman equation based on a fractal pore-space geometry assumption
Persistence in recurrent geomagnetic activity and its connection with Space Climate
Persistent drainage migration in a numerical landscape evolution model
Persistent sand bars explained by geodynamic effects
Personal Notification Service from the ADS Abstract Service
Perspective of a finite and discrete universe
Perspectives of cross correlation in seismic monitoring at the International Data Centre
Perturbation Analysis of the Navier-Stokes Equations in Lagrangian Form with Selected Linear Solutions
Perturbations of the seismic reflectivity of a fluid-saturated depth-dependent poro-elastic medium
Peter Howard Fowler (27 February 1923 - 1996).
Petrologic model of the northern Mississippi Embayment based on satellite magnetic and ground-based geophysical data
Petrophysical analysis of regional-scale thermal properties for improved simulations of geothermal installations and basin-scale heat and fluid flow