Looking through the oval window
Low and high temperature susceptibility data of the Chicxulub Yax-1 drill core: link to magnetic carriers.
Low energy ions in the Shuttle environment - Evidence for strong ambient-contaminant interactions
Low latitude geomagnetic bays and IMF sector polarity
Low temperature dependence of electrical resistivity: Implications for near surface geophysical monitoring
Low temperature magnetic susceptibility behavior of the Neuschwanstein EL6 meteorite and mineral daubreelite (FeCr2S4)
Low temperature properties of ice and applications to comets
Low Temperature Reflectance Spectra of Titan Tholins
Low-altitude convection, precipitation, and current patterns in the baseline magnetosphere
Low-degree mantle convection with strongly temperature- and depth-dependent viscosity in a three-dimensional spherical shell
Low-frequency electromagnetic exploration for groundwater on Mars
Low-frequency magnetic fluctuation spectra in the magnetosheath and plasma depletion layer
Low-frequency radar sounding investigations of the North Amargosa Desert, Nevada: A potential analog of conductive subsurface environments on Mars
Low-frequency seismic signals recorded by OBS at Stromboli volcano (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea)
Low-frequency waves in the foreshock of Saturn: First results from Cassini
Lower crustal variability and the crust/mantle transition at the Atlantis Massif oceanic core complex
LROC NAC Digital Elevation Model of Gruithuisen Gamma
Lt. Cook and the transit of Venus, 1769
Luminescence of Speleothems in Italian Gypsum Caves: Preliminary Report
Lunar and Hawaiian lava tubes: Analogs and uses based on terrestrial field data