Influence of regional scale information on the global circulation: A two-way nesting climate simulation
Influence of residual hydraulic gradients on decay curves for one-dimensional hydraulic pulse tests
Influence of sedimentary layering on tsunami generation
Influence of squirt flow on fundamental guided waves propagation in borehole embedded in saturated porous media
Influence of stratospheric circulation on the predictability of the tropospheric Northern Annular Mode
Influence of systematic error on least squares retrieval of upper atmospheric parameters from the ultraviolet airglow
Influence of the Cut-off Elevation Angle and Elevation-Dependent Weighting on Parameter Estimates: A Case of CONT05
Influence of the mineralogical composition on the self-potential response to advection of KCl concentration fronts through sand
Influence of the Solar Luminosity on the Glaciations, Earthquakes and Sea Level Changes
Influence of time, temperature, confining pressure and fluid content on the experimental compaction of spherical grains
Influence of velocity shear on the Rayleigh-Taylor instability
Influence of ``defects'' on sorted bedform dynamics
Information devices and systems in prospecting geophysics
Information theory and the earth's density distribution
Information theory and the earth's density distribution
Information theory lateral density distribution for earth inferred from global gravity field
Infrared (2.08-14 micron) spectra of powered stony meteorites
Infrared emission from interplanetary dust
Infrared reflectance spectra (4-12 micron) of lunar samples
Infrared remote sensing of the middle atmosphere from satellites: The stratospheric and mesospheric sounder experiment 1978 1983