Diary: Forthcoming meetings and events.
Diary: Forthcoming meetings and events; RAS contacts.
Diary: Forthcoming meetings and events; RAS contacts.
Diary: Forthcoming meetings and events; RAS contacts.
Did an impact alone kill the dinosaurs?
Did Comas Sola discover Titan's atmosphere?
Did expanded porous patches guide rupture propagation in 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake?
Did the carbonaceous chondrites evolve in the crustal regions of partially differentiated asteroids?
Did the Punctuated Demise of Glacial Ice in the North Sea Affect Thermohaline Circulation of the Ocean?
Did Two Bolide Fragments Strike the Gulf of Carpentaria around 1500 Years Ago?
Did Venus Experience One Great Transition or Two?
Die Gezeiten des Meeres und die Rotation der Erde
Dielectric and Hardness Measurements of Martian Analog Rocks in Support of the WISDOM Radar on ExoMars
Dielectric method of high-resolution gas hydrate estimation
Dielectric properties of Granodiorite partially saturated with water and its correlation to the detection of seismic electric signals
Dielectric Spectroscopy for Scientific and Resource Characterization of Lunar Regolith
Dielectrophoretic, thermal instability in a spherical shell of fluid
Differences in magnetic storm and quiet ionospheric deterministic chaotic behavior: GPS total electron content analyses
Different tidal torques on a planet with a dense atmosphere and consequences to the spin dynamics
Differentiating between colored random noise and deterministic chaos with the root mean squared deviation