Determination of surface shear stress with the naphthalene sublimation technique
Determination of the Longitude of Helwân Observatory by Wireless Telegraphy in 1921 April-May
Determination of the Longitude of Khartoum
Determination of the Rate of Dissipation of Turbulent Energy near the Sea Surface in the Presence of Waves
Determination of the scale of coarse graining in earthquake network
Determining Key Model Parameters of Rapidly Intensifying Hurricane Guillermo(1997) using the Ensemble Kalman Filter
Determining magnetic susceptibility in loess-paleosol sections by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy
Determining pore-throat size in Permo-Triassic sandstones from low-frequency electrical spectroscopy
Determining reflectivity measurement error from serial measurements using paired disdrometers and profilers
Determining the local abundance of Martian methane and its’ 13C/12C and D/H isotopic ratios for comparison with related gas and soil analysis on the 2011 Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission
Determining the start, duration, and strength of flood and drought with daily precipitation: Rationale
Developing of New Facets of Indirect Modeling in the Geosciences
Developing Technologies for Space Resource Utilization: Concept for a Planetary Engineering Research Institute
Development of land surface albedo parameterization based on Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data
Development of slender transport pathways in unsaturated fractured rock: Simulation with modified invasion percolation
Development of user interface and of the data base "Earth, Moon and Planets" in the VBA environment for teaching students in the Kazan state universities
Development of wind tunnel techniques for the solution of problems in planetary Aeolian processes
Development, Deployment, and Assessment of Dynamic Geological and Geophysical Models Using the Google Earth APP and API: Implications for Undergraduate Education in the Earth and Planetary Sciences