Deformation of a seamount subducting beneath an accretionary prism: Constraints from numerical simulation
Deformations between African and Euroasian plates estimated by methods of space geodesy - new result
Deghosting of Ocean Bottom Cable Data:Two approaches
Degradation of Fe-Mg silicates in hot CO2 atmospheres: Applications to Venus
Degradation of GPS performance in geomagnetically disturbed conditions
Degradation of signals and operation failures of radio engineering satellite systems during geospace disturbances accompanied by abrupt changes in the geomagnetic field
Delamination structure imaged in the source area of the 1982 Urakawa-oki earthquake
Delamination-wedge structure beneath the Hidaka Collision Zone, central Hokkaido, Japan inferred from seismic reflection profiling
Delineation of geologic facies with statistical learning theory
Delta allometry: Growth laws for river deltas
Delving into Allende's dark secrets
DEMETER Satellite Observations of Particle Burst Prior to Chile Earthquake
Demeter: on ground validation and first in flight results
Demographics of Planetary Science
Demonstration of ensemble data assimilation for Mars using DART, MarsWRF, and radiance observations from MGS TES
Demonstration of ocean surface salinity microwave measurements from space using AMSR-E data over the Amazon plume
Dense shelf water cascading in the northwestern Mediterranean during the cold winter 2005: Quantification of the export through the Gulf of Lion and the Catalan margin
Density and porosity of the upper oceanic crust from seafloor gravity measurements
Density-Driven Compactional Flow in Porous Media
Dependence of hillslope moisture content on downhill saturation