Direct measurements of oceanic crustal density at the northern Juan de Fuca Ridge
Direct Numerical Simulation of structural vacillation in the transition to geostrophic turbulence
Direct numerical simulations of helical dynamo action: MHD and beyond
Direct pore-level observation of permeability increase in two-phase flow by shaking
Direct Waveform Inversion by Iterative Inverse Propagation
Directivity of slope dynamic response to seismic shaking
Directory of research projects, 1991. Planetary geology and geophysics program
Directory of research projects. Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program.
Directory of research projects: Planetary geology and geophysics program
Directory of research projects: Planetary geology and geophysics program
Directory of solar-terrestrial physics monitoring stations
Discharge temperature-discharge rate correlation of Japanese hot springs driven by buoyancy and its application to permeability mapping
Discovering Earth's Radiation Belts: Remembering Explorer 1 and 3
Discovery of an Earth Trojan Asteroid
Discovery of Continental Stretching and Oceanic Spreading in the Tasman Sea
Discrete element simulations of gravitational volcanic deformation: 2. Mechanical analysis
Discriminating dynamical patterns in burned and unburned vegetational covers by using SPOT-VGT NDVI data
Discussion: mantle plumes: In response...
Discussion: mantle plumes: Look again
Discussion: mantle plumes: Mantle plumes: heat-flow near Iceland