Book Review: Volcanoes of the solar system / Cambridge U Press, 1996
Book Review: WOMEN IN SPACE: FOLLOWING VALENTINA / Springer Praxis, 2003
Book Review: Worlds unnumbered: the search for extrasolar planets / University Science Books, 1997
Book Review: Worlds without end / Tempus, 1999
Book Review: Zoo in the sky : a book of animal constellations / Frances Lincoln, 1998 National Geographic Society, 1998
Books: Not just computers and companions
Bottom pressure signals at the TAG deep-sea hydrothermal field: Evidence for short-period, flow-induced ground deformation
Bottom scour observed under Hurricane Ivan
Bottom topography and roughness variations as triggering mechanisms to the formation of sorted bedforms
Bound to Happen? Long Period Capture of Comets and Impact Statistics
Boundary Layer Control of Rotating Convection Systems: the Transition from 2D to 3D Turbulence
Breaking into the plate: A 7.6 Mw fracture-zone earthquake adjacent to the Central Indian Ridge
Breakup of meteoroids in the Venusian atmosphere and its effects on crater formation
Brick-pile To Rubble-pile Impact Transitions
Bright sand/dark dust: The identification of active sand surfaces on the Earth and Mars
Bright seismic reflections and fluid movement by porous flow in the lower crust
Brightness and Polarization of Extrasolar Planet Oceans and Atmospheres
Brightness predictions for comets
British landmarks in seismology
Broad zone of structural uplift beneath the Chicxulub impact structure