Book Review: Historical eclipses and Earth's rotation / Cambridge U Press, 1997
Book Review: Hubble vision : further adventures of the Hubble Space Telescope.-2nd ed. / Cambridge U Press, 1998
Book Review: In search of planet Vulcan / Plenum, 1997
Book Review: La carte du ciel correspondance inedite conservee dans les archives de l'observatoire de Paris / Paris : Palermo : Observatoire de Paris; Osservatorio ; Astronomico di Palermo G. S. Vaiana, 1999
Book Review: Life on other worlds : the 20th-Century extraterrestrial life debate / Cambridge U Press, 1998
Book Review: Lifting titan's veil / Cambridge University Press, 2002
Book Review: Light pollution : responses and remedies / Springer, 2001/2002
Book Review: Longitude / Walker
Book Review: Mapping and naming the moon / Cambridge U Press, 1999
Book Review: MAPPING MARS / Fourth Estate, 2002
Book Review: Meteorites / Cambridge University Press, 2001
Book Review: Meteorites : flux with time and impact effects / The Geological Society, 1998
Book Review: METEORITES, ICE, AND ANTARCTICA / Cambridge University Press, 2003
Book Review: Meteors and meteorites [CD-ROM] / Eric Hutton ; order from Martin Horejsi
Book Review: Nearest star / Harvard University Press, 2001 / 2002
Book Review: New trends in astronomy teaching : IAU Colloquium 162 University College London and the Open University, July 8- 12, 1996 / Cambridge U Press, 1998
Book Review: Nucleosynthesis and chemical evolution of galaxies / Cambridge U Press, 1997 & 1998
Book Review: Off the planet / McGraw-Hill, 2000
Book Review: ON THE SHORES OF THE UNKNOWN / Cambridge University Press, 2005
Book Review: Out of the blue / Cambridge University Press, 2002