Use of a physical metric for OPERA experiment
Use of generalized population ratios to obtain Fe XV line intensities and linewidths at high electron densities
Use of Gödel Universe to Construct A New Zollfrei Metric with $R^2 \times S^1$ Topology
Use of nuclei fractal properties for help to determine some unknown particle spins and unknown nuclei excited level spins
Use of relativistic hadronic mechanics for the exact representation of nuclear magnetic moments and the prediction of new recycling of nuclear waste
Using a Kinematic Definition of the Hubble Parameter to Determine the Cosmological Constant Λ = 0 in a Balanced Universe
Using ordinary multiplication to do relativistic velocity addition
Using quantum computing models for graviton communication/information processing in cosmological evolution
Using the solar eclipse to estimate earth's distance from the moon
Utility of transient testing to characterize thermal interface materials
Utilization of Wind Energy at High Altitude