Those wonderful elastic waves
Three +1 Faces of Invariance
Three findings to model a quantum-gravitational theory
Three levels of understanding physical relativity: Galileo's relativity, Up-to-date Galileo's relativity and Einstein's relativity: A historical survey
Three species of neutrinos Six flavors quarks and three gluons. (Consequences or coincidences?)
Three Views of a Secret in Relativistic Thermodynamics
Three Wave Hypothesis, Gear Model and the Rest Mass
Time and classical and quantum mechanics: Indeterminacy vs. discontinuity
Time and Entropy in the Foundations of Mechanics
Time and irreversibility in an accelerating universe
Time and motion in physics: the Reciprocity Principle, relativistic invariance of the lengths of rulers and time dilatation
Time and spectral resolution in resonance scattering and resonance fluorescence
Time and the laws of Nature
Time as a parameter of statistical ensemble
Time before Time - Classifications of universes in contemporary cosmology, and how to avoid the antinomy of the beginning and eternity of the world
Time delayed processes in physics, biophysics and archaeology
Time Fractional Formalism: Classical and Quantum Phenomena
Time generated by intrinsic observers
Time interval measurements by uniformly accelerating observers (non-longitudinal case)
Time invariance violation is a physical base of atomic Bloch oscillations in an optical lattice