The unification of Pythagorean theorem for electronic orbitals with Kepler's law for planetary orbits
The unification of the fundamental interaction within Maxwell electromagnetism: Model of hydrogen atom. Gravity as the secondary electric force. Calculation of the unified inertia force
The unified quantum wave equation
The Unified Theory - Electricity, Magnetism, Gravity and Mechanics
The unitary theory of the electrical powers
The United Theory of the Two Fields of the Electric and Magnetic Nature
The Universal Arrow of Time I: Classical mechanics
The Universal Arrow of Time II: Quantum mechanics case
The Universal Arrow of Time V-VI: (Part V) Unpredictable dynamics (Part VI) Future of artificial intelligence - Art, not Science: Practical Application of Unpredictable Systems
The Universal Dynamic Complexity as Extended Dynamic Fractality: Causally Complete Understanding of Living Systems Emergence and Operation
The universal potential fluctuations
The Universe expansion and Energy problems
The Universe from Nothing: A Mathematical Lattice of Empty Sets
The Universe's Evolution
The unperformed experiment as an act of annihilation
The vacuum impedance and unit systems
The vacuum state of quantum gravity contains large virtual masses
The van der Waals-Maxwell phase transition, hidden in Sommerfeld-Dirac hydrogen theory, proves that symmetry in the Coulomb bond is broken
The Variation of the Solar Neutrino Fluxes over Time in the Homestake, GALLEX(GNO) and Super-Kamiokande Experiments
The velocity and angular momentum of a free Dirac electron