Quantum wave packets in space and time and an improved criterion for classical behavior
Quantum-Foam In-Flow Theory of Gravity and the Global Positioning System (GPS)
Quantum-Gravity Phenomenology and the DSR Ether Theories
Quantum-like Chaos in Prime Number Distribution and in Turbulent Fluid Flows
Quantum-like Description of Probabilistic Data from Shafir-Tversky Experiments: evidence of trigonometric and hyperbolic (!) interference
Quantum-like gravity waves and vortices in a classical fluid
Quantum-like model of processing of information in the brain based on classical electromagnetic field
Quantum-like Probabilistic Models outside Physics
Quantum-Mechanical Consequences of Five-Dimensional Relativity
Quantum-Mechanical Waves in Closed Vacuum States
Quantum-statistical model for high-density matter
Quantumlike chaos in the frequency distributions of bases A, C, G, T in human chromosome1 DNA
Quantumlike Chaos in the Frequency Distributions of the Bases A, C, G, T in Drosophila DNA
Quark confinement and metric fluctuations
Quarks in Nuclei
Quasi-Classical (Bohr - Sommerfeld) Dynamical Determination of the Basic Planck Units
Quasi-periodic oscillations, charge and the gravitomagnetic theory
Quasi-Quantum Model of Potentization
Quaternion Gravi-Electromagnetism
Quaternion Octonion Reformulation of Quantum Chromodynamics