New approach for building of unified theory about the Universe and some results
New approach to deriving gas dynamics equations
New concept for quantification of similarity relates entropy and energy of objects: First and Second Law entangled, equivalence of temperature and time proposed
New Curved Spacetime Dirac Equations - On the Anomalous Gyromagnetic Ratio
New Developments on Gravitational Force and Nonlinear Oscillations of Space
New evidence for triton and helion clustering in nuclei
New families of supercompact objects and a gravitational mechanism for the multiperiodicity of Syg X-1
New Fundamental Light Particle and Breakdown of Stefan-Boltzmann's Law
New Hierarchic Theory of Water and its Application to Analysis of Water Perturbations by Magnetic Field. Role of Water in Biosystems
New Indivisible Geoscience Paradigm
New Interpretation for the Observed Cosmological Redshifts and its Implications
New Interpretation of Equivalence Principle in General Relativity from the viewpoint of Micro-Macro duality
New interpretation of the atomic spectra and other quantum phenomena: A mixed mechanism of classical $LC$ circuits and quantum wave-particle duality
New Investigation on the Spheroidal Wave Equations
New K α satellites in the electron-excited x-ray emission spectrum of 26Fe
New Lectures on Supergravity
New localized Superluminal solutions to the wave equations with finite total energies and arbitrary frequencies
New method for determining relative oscillator strengths of atoms through combined absorption and emission measurements - Application to titanium /Ti I/
New Particle and Energy "Timeless Particle" and "Timeless Energy" that Existed Before the Beginning of Time
New phenomenon in the stochastic transition of coupled oscillators