Local and global information and equations with left and right invertible operators in the free Fock space
Local Energy Velocity of Classical Fields
Local Inertial Coordinate System and The Principle of Equivalence
Local Lorentz Transformation and "Lorentz Violation"
Local microwave background radiation
Local quantum mechanics with finite Planck mass
Local-Ether Wave Equation of Electric Field and Interferometry Experiments with Moving Medium and Path
Local-time effect on small space-time scale
Localization of Lorentz transformation and its induced local Lorentz invariance
Localization of quantum objects in an expanding universe and cosmologically induced classicality
Localized Superluminal solutions to Maxwell equations propagating along a normal-sized waveguide
Localized transmission of electromagnetic energy
Localized Waves: A scientific and historical introduction
Lochon Catalyzed D-D Fusion in Deuterated Palladium in the Solid State
Logic and String Theory
Logic and thermodynamics: the heat-engine axiomatics of the second law
Logic, Truth and Probability
Logical foundation of theoretical physics
Long range correlations and relativity: metatheoretic considerations
Long Response to Scheuer-Yariv: "A Classical Key-Distribution System based on Johnson (like) noise - How Secure?", physics/0601022