Laser-rf double-resonance measurements of the hyperfine structure in Sc ii
Laser-rf double-resonance studies of the hyperfine structure of 51V
Laser-wavelength dependence of mass-ablation rate and heat-flux inhibition in laser-produced plasmas
Late-time anisotropy and radiation drag within the cosmic microwave background
Lattice model for the screening potential of the classical one-component plasma
Law without Law
Laws of thermodynamics and game theory
Laying the ghost of the relativistic temperature transformation
Le groupe de Lorentz-Einstein comme consequence d'un quantum d'action
Learning more from the Lorentz transformations
Learning of Atomic Physics and Quantum Mechanics : Which should Begin First
Least-action perihelion precession
Lee Smolin Five Great Problems and Their Solution without Ontological Hypotheses
Length contraction puzzle solved?
Length measurement of a moving rod by a single observer without assumptions concerning its magnitude
Lense Thirring and Geodetic Effects
Leo-Based Optical/Microwave Terrestrial Communications
Lepton and meson masses
Lepton Generation Problem, Some Properties and Implications of the Curved Spacetime Dirac Equation -- (II)
Leptons in Dirac Spin Networks