Including nuclear degrees of freedom in a lattice Hamiltonian
Incompatibility between Self-Observing Consciousness and the Axioms of Quantum theory
Incompatibility between the principle of the constancy of the speed of light and the Lorentz contraction in the GPS Experiment
Incompatibility of the Copenhagen interpretation with quantum mechanics formalism
Incompleteness of the particle dynamics in microcosm and the skeleton conception of elementary particles as overcoming of this incompleteness
Inconsistencies in the current thermodynamic description of elastic solids
Inconsistencies of Neutrino and Quark Conjectures and their Negative Environmental Implications
Inconsistent Universe
Incorporation of New Information in an Approximate Hamiltonian
Increasing Exclusion: The Pauli Exclusion Principle and Energy Conservation for Bound Fermions are Mutually Exclusive
Independent coordinates for strange attractors from mutual information
Independent-particle-model potentials for atoms and ions with 36 < Z?54 and a modified Thomas-Fermi atomic energy formula
Indications of an Unmodelled Component in Spectrographic Measurements of Local Stars
Induced bremsstrahlung of Langmuir waves from interaction between ion-wave turbulence and electrons
Induced Gravity in the Short Range
Induction of nuclear fission by high-voltage application
Inertia as Emerging of a Hamiltonian Constraint System
Inertia as reaction of the vacuum to accelerated motion
Inertial Frames and Clock Rates
Inertial Mass, Its Mechanics - What It Is; How It Operates