Impact of General Physics Laboratory II Course on Recognizing Electricity Experiments' Tools
Impact of Recent Discoveries on Petroleum and Natural Gas Exploration: Emphasis on India
Impact Studies Using a One Stage Light Gas Gun
Implementation of a planar coil of wires as a sinus-galvanometer. Analysis of the coil magnetic field
Implications for cognitive quantum computation and decoherence limits in the presence of large extra dimensions
Implications for the Cosmological Landscape: Can Thermal Inputs from a Prior Universe Account for Relic Graviton Production?
Important remarks to Wolfenstein's equation for passing neutrino through the matter
Impossibility of a perpetuum mobile based on the nano-confinement effect on chemical equilibrium
Impracticality of a box-counting algorithm for calculating the dimensionality of strange attractors
Imprints of Discrete Space Time - A Brief Note
Improved 4He i 1snl ionization energy, energy levels, and Lamb shifts for 1sns and 1snp terms
Improved equation of state for the classical one-component plasma
Improved Power System of the Future
Improvement on the hypernetted-chain equations for dense plasmas
Improvement on the Lorentz-Abraham-Dirac equation
Improvements of the Variable Thermal Resistance
Impulse Gravity Generator Based on Charged YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-y} Superconductor with Composite Crystal Structure
Impurity accumulation spectroscopically observed during ion cyclotron resonance frequency heating experiments in the JIPP T-II-U tokamak
In Memory of Julian Schwinger
In Outer Space without a Space Suit?