Is Quantum Mechanics Incompatible with Newton's First Law
Is Quantum Mechanics needed to explain consciousness ?
Is Second Law of Thermodynamics Violated for Electron Transition from Lower-Energy Level to Higher-Energy Level
Is Semantics Physical?!
Is space-time curved
Is the aether entrained by the motion of celestial bodies? What do the experiments tell us?
Is the assumption of a special system of reference consistent with Special Relativity? Definitely yes, special approaches show it!
Is the Basic Unit System a String?
Is the Binding Energy of Galaxies related to their Core Black Hole Mass?
Is the Consequence of Superluminal Signalling to Physics Absolute Motion through an Ether?
Is the Dirac particle completely relativistic?
Is the Dirac particle composite?
Is the Kinematics of Special Relativity incomplete?
Is the Lorentz contraction inevitable in the special theory of relativity ?
Is the Lorentz Transformation Distance-Dependent?
Is the mass increase with velocity classical or relativistic phenomenon?
Is the phase of plane waves an invariant?
Is the relativity principle consistent with classical electrodynamics? Towards a logico-empiricist reconstruction of a physical theory
Is the speed of light invariant or covariant?
Is the Time a Dimension of an Alien Universe? (this hypothesis gives an additional redshift)